School of Music Ambassadors

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Connecting with one of our School of Music Ambassadors is a great way for prospective or admitted students to learn more about being a music major — and finding your place here — at The Ohio State University School of Music. Music Ambassadors can answer questions about why they chose Ohio State, the student experience, ensembles, studios, music student organizations and much more!

Ambassadors are a select group of juniors and seniors who are leaders within our music community and represent a broad range of interests and talents. Contact one or more of them any time using the links in their bios below.

Davis Aho

DAVIS AHO (he/him/his) (Canal Winchester, Ohio) is a fifth-year music dual major in music education and music performance. His primary instrument is the euphonium, and he has taken a secondary in jazz trombone. In his years at Ohio State, he has performed with many ensembles in and around the School of Music. These include the Wind Symphony, The Ohio State University Marching Band, Jazz Lab Big Band, OCAS Brass Band, Buckeye Philharmonic Orchestra and more! Davis uses his experience as an Eagle Scout to serve the School in his free time through two honorary fraternities geared towards music — Kappa Kappa Psi and Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia. Serving as both president of the Beta Xi chapter of Phi Mu Alpha and School of Music Ambassador, Davis hopes to make a massive positive impact on the community at the School of Music!

Contact Davis!

Anne Bartos

ANNE BARTOS (Lakewood, OH) is a third-year music education major. She plays the cello in Symphony Orchestra, and is a member of the Ohio State chapters of the National Association for Music Education (NAfME) and American String Teachers Association (ASTA). She currently serves as the executive director of CellOhio, and vice president of ASTA. In her free time, Anne enjoys attending concerts, crocheting, and spending time with friends and family. 

Contact Anne!

Karis Brennan

KARIS BRENNAN (Middleburg Heights, OH) is a third-year music major whose primary instrument is flute. She is pursuing both a BA in Music with a concentration in performance, and a second degree in Studio Art. She has received various performance achievement awards and honors, including the John Philip Sousa Award. Karis is also an active member of the Ohio State Flute Troupe, and is involved with campus ensembles and chamber groups. She is an officer in the Central Ohio Flute Association (COFA) and an honorary member of Phi Kappa Lambda. In her free time, Karis enjoys connecting with music and art, reading, gardening, knitting, and baking. 

Contact Karis!

Ayden Casa

AYDEN CASA (Brecksville, OH) is a third-year music dual major in music education and music performance. His primary instrument is the euphonium. He has performed in many ensembles in and outside the School of Music including Symphonic Band, The Ohio State University Marching Band, Jazz Lab Big Band, Campus Orchestra, and OCAS Brass Band. Outside of school, Ayden is a member of two honorary musical fraternities, serving as vice president of Phi Mu Alpha and as a general member of Kappa Kappa Psi. In his free time, Ayden enjoys spending time with friends, exercising, and playing video games. 

Contact Ayden!

Lucia Cherok

LUCIA CHEROK (Columbus, OH) is a third-year music education major whose primary instrument is trombone. She is a member of the classical trombone studio under Prof. Elisabeth Shafer, and the jazz trombone studio under Prof. Chris Anderson. Lucia has performed in several ensembles in and around the School of Music including Symphonic Band, Collegiate Winds, Jazz Lab Big Band, Trombone Choir, OCAS Brass Band and the Marching Band. As a leader of the Buckeye Trombone Association and a member of the honorary band sorority Tau Beta Sigma, Lucia appreciates giving back to the ensembles at Ohio State. In her free time, Lucia enjoys nature (via hiking and hammocking), swimming, fine arts, and spending time with her friends. 

Contact Lucia!

Katia de Jong

KATIA de JONG (Upper Arlington, OH) is a third-year music education major. Her primary instrument is the classical saxophone, which she plays in concert bands as well as in saxophone quartets through the saxophone studio. She currently serves as vice president of membership of Sigma Alpha Iota, one of the School of Music fraternities. She works at Sloopy’s Diner in the Ohio Union as both a student administrator and student manager. In her free time, she enjoys running, reading and knitting. 

Contact Katia!

Drew Eynon

DREW EYNON (North Canton, OH) is a third-year music education major. He plays the euphonium/baritone, and is in the Wind Symphony and The Ohio State University Marching band. He is also involved in Kappa Kappa Psi and Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia fraternities. In his free time he likes to play video games, bowl, and hang out with friends. 

Contact Drew!

Colin Fogerty

COLIN FOGERTY (Lewis Center, OH) is a fourth-year music education major whose primary instrument is saxophone. He has been involved with numerous ensembles on campus, including Symphonic Band, Wind Symphony, saxophone quartets, University Band, Athletic Band, and Men’s Glee Club. Outside of classes, Colin enjoys spending time with friends and family, watching movies and TV, and playing video games. 

Contact Colin!

Hailee Franklin

HAILEE FRANKLIN (she/her) (Columbus, OH) is a fourth-year double major student pursuing BA degrees in vocal performance and theatre. She is very honored to serve as a School of Music Ambassador during the 2024–2025 school year, and is very thankful for the support she received from the voice faculty when she applied for this position. She is a proud member of the Women’s Glee Club and a fierce advocate for reform in the field of music education. Outside of the School of Music, Hailee serves as the vice president of 8th Floor Improv, and is very active in the filmmaking community in Columbus. Hailee also enjoys composing original music for films, and creating original films that are accompanied by live performance. 

Contact Hailee!

Andrew Haines

ANDREW HAINES (Miamisburg, OH) is a fifth-year music education major. He is a member of the jazz percussion studio and has participated in multiple jazz combos, Jazz Ensemble, Jazz Lab Big Band, Collegiate Winds, University Choir, and The Ohio State University Marching Band serving as head squad leader of J row. Andrew is and has been involved with music at Ohio State in various other ways, including as a brother in the Eta chapter of Kappa Kappa Psi, a National Honorary Band Fraternity; as member of the Jazz Club, member of the Student Advisory Council for the Marching Band, and as a summer camp counselor for various School of Music summer programs. Outside of music, Andrew enjoys being outdoors, running, swimming, and going on backpacking trips. 

Contact Andrew!

Marion Haughton

MARLON HAUGHTON (Richmond, Virginia) is earning a dual degree in vocal performance and music education. Marlon has participated in Men’s Glee Club, Chorale, and Opera Theatre at Ohio State. Marlon is also a part of the executive board for the American Choral Directors Association (ACDA), and sings in a local church choir. In his free time, Marlon enjoys getting coffee with friends, listening to podcasts, and baking! 

Contact Marlon!

Emma Kelley

EMMA KELLEY (Hudson, OH) is a fourth-year music education student with a focus in choral studies. She is a member of the Ohio State Chorale, and the student chapter of the American Choral Directors Association (ACDA). Emma is also a member of Pi Kappa Lambda, a society that recognizes musical achievement and academic scholarship. In her free time, Emma enjoys embroidery, going on walks, and drinking boba with friends. 

Contact Emma!

Wyatt Kerns

WYATT KERNS (Columbus, OH) is a third-year student pursuing a Bachelor of Music in voice performance, and is an active member of the Ohio State Chorale and Opera Theatre. Wyatt loves studying both classical voice and musical theatre, and enjoys performing in both solo and ensemble settings. As someone actively involved in the community, Wyatt enjoys the support that the School of Music provides and would love to talk with anyone that may have any questions or is just curious about Ohio State. Outside of music, Wyatt enjoys reading, tap dancing, and spending time with friends and family. 

Contact Wyatt!

Rohit Kolluri

ROHIT KOLLURI (Dublin, OH) is a fourth-year student pursuing dual degrees in music education and marketing. His primary instrument is clarinet. He is a member of both the Ohio State Wind Symphony and Symphony Orchestra. In the School of Music, Rohit is currently doing research on music education philosophies and has published a Research Article to the OMEA TRIAD Journal. He is also the president and founder of the School of Music Double Major Alliance. In the Fisher College of Business, he is an undergraduate teaching assistant for the Business Analytics course. Outside of Ohio State, he is the clarinet specialist for Hilliard Darby High School. In his free time, Rohit enjoys training service dogs with 4paws4ability, cooking, exercising, playing video games, and reading. 

Contact Rohit!

Surith Krishna

SURITH KRISHNA (Dublin, OH) is a third-year undergraduate Honors Student and Health Sciences Scholar at The Ohio State University, pursuing dual degrees in Behavioral Neuroscience (pre-med track) and Music with a vocal performance concentration. In his free time, he works as a research assistant investigating the toxic side effects of chemotherapy in chemokine and cytokine-mediated neuron-immune interactions as well as serving as co-president of Snehalaya, a club that raises money and awareness for HIV+ women and children in India. Surith hopes to be a resource for students who are seeking insight on how to balance the pursuit of majors/minors in STEM-related fields while keeping up with their musical endeavors. 

Contact Surith!

Zach Langbein

ZACH LANGBEIN (Mason, OH) is a fourth-year music education student focusing on classical saxophone. He is currently involved in Symphonic Band, saxophone quartets, Men's Glee Club, and playing in the pit orchestra for Off The Lake's spring musicals. Outside of school, he enjoys training service dogs with 4paws for ability, as well as golfing. As a commuter, Zach also enjoys traveling around Columbus and the State of Ohio in search of new activities. 

Contact Zach!

Nora Lemmon

NORA LEMMON (Worthington, OH) is a third-year horn performance major and political science minor. She is currently a member of the Symphonic Band, Buckeye Philharmonic Orchestra and a woodwind quintet. Nora also takes secondary piano lessons in the School of Music and loves to relax by playing piano. Additionally, Nora serves as vice president of ritual for Ohio State's chapter of Sigma Alpha Iota, and is one of two music directors for Scarlet and Grace Notes A Cappella. She performed as a soloist at the 2022 Eastman Summer Horn Institute, and was accepted to the Summer Music in Tuscany Festival where she performs solo and chamber repertoire in July 2024. In her free time, Nora enjoys reading, coloring on a coloring app, and spending time with her friends and family. 

Contact Nora!

Samantha Marcrum

SAMANTHA MARCRUM (Evansville, Indiana) is a fourth-year music education major whose primary instrument is double bass. She is a member of the Symphony Orchestra and a participant in the Buckeye Bass Ensemble. Samantha serves as president for Sigma Alpha Iota–Theta Alpha chapter. Outside of the School of Music, Samantha enjoys drinking coffee, reading books and watching football. 

Contact Samantha!

Tristan Miller

TRISTAN MILLER (Hilliard, OH) is a fifth-year music education major whose primary instrument is trombone. He is involved in multiple ensembles including Marching Band, Wind Symphony, and Trombone Choir. Tristan, an Eagle Scout, is also an active brother of the music service fraternity Kappa Kappa Psi. Tristan likes to play video games and spend time with friends and family. He looks forward to serving the community another year as a School of Music Ambassador! 

Contact Tristan!

Alessandro Nocera

ALESSANDRO NOCERA (Delaware, OH) is a music educator whose primary instrument is trumpet. Recently, he worked as the music director for Worthington Community Theatre’s summer production of Oliver. Alessandro currently serves as the publicity chair for the Ohio Collegiate Music Education Association (OCMEA). He has been a member of The Ohio State University Marching Band, Symphonic Band, Men’s Glee Club, Symphony Orchestra, Jazz Workshop Big Band, Gospel Choir and Trumpet Cheers. Besides serving as a School of Music Ambassador, Alessandro is a member of both the Student Advisory Council and on the Music Leadership Team for the Marching Band’s Summer Sessions. Additionally, he is an educator for the Ohio State Marching Band Summer Clinic. Additionally, he received a full scholarship to travel in the School of Music's Brazilian Experience Program. 

Contact Alessandro!

Trevor Paul

TREVOR PAUL (Waynesburg, OH), a third-year music education major, is a member of both the jazz saxophone studio and the classical saxophone studio. He has been a member of the Jazz Lab Big Band, Jazz Workshop Big Band, University Band, Ohio Show Band, Gospel Choir, OCAS Brass Band, and The Ohio State University Marching Band. Trevor is also a member of Kappa Kappa Psi and the Jazz Club, as well as playing in the Jazz Club Big Band. Outside of the School of Music he enjoys running, tennis, and arts and crafts whenever he has the chance. He is humbled by the opportunity to serve and give back to the School of Music which has given so much to him in the past couple of years! 

Contact Trevor!

Mary Paydock

MARY PAYDOCK (Canal Fulton, OH) is a third-year BA student with a percussion performance concentration, and a Philosophy, Politics, and Economics (PPE) double major. She serves as production assistant for the stage crew at the School of Music and as Percussion Club president! She is also a member of the Arts Honors Program. Additionally, Mary is a member of the PPE Society and Phi Alpha Delta. Her favorite part of college is playing in  the Percussion Ensemble. 

Contact Mary!

Favius Pena-Amaya

FAVIUS PEÑA-AMAYA (Pataskala, OH) is a third-year music education major whose primary instrument is clarinet. He is a member of the Symphonic Band, The Ohio State University Marching Band, Men’s Glee Club, and a woodwind quintet. Additionally, Favius is a brother of the Eta Chapter of the National Honorary Band Fraternity, Kappa Kappa Psi. Outside of school, Favius enjoys reading, watching movies and TV shows, and spending quality time with friends and family. 

Contact Favius!

Helena Radford

HELENA RADFORD (she/her) (Chugiak, Alaska) is a third-year vocal performance major. A lifelong Alaska resident before coming to Ohio State, she is very excited for the opportunity to study with the faculty here. She is a member of the Ohio State Chorale and is starting to participate in Opera Theatre. Helena serves as secretary of Sigma Alpha Iota — Theta Alpha chapter, along with being a member of the OSEuchre Club. Outside of the School of Music, she enjoys playing piano, playing euchre, and spending time with her cats. Helena also enjoys reading, video games, and listening to music. 

Contact Helena!

Clara Rudy

CLARA RUDY (Grove City, OH) is a fourth-year music performance and economics double major. Her primary instrument is piano, but she has also enjoyed playing violin in Symphony Orchestra. Clara is an active performer in the Columbus area and has had the opportunity to play for university events and sub as a pianist for the Newark–Granville Symphony Orchestra. She has won several music competitions, including the Ohio State School of Music’s Concerto Competition, and has also enjoyed attending several summer music festivals/institutes. In her free time, Clara likes watching football and hockey games, getting coffee with friends on campus, reading, and taking long walks. 

Contact Clara!

Samantha Sayar

SAMANTHA SAYAR (Atlanta, Georgia)  is a fourth-year music education major with an emphasis on vocal performance. She is an active member of the Ohio State Chorale, Opera Theatre, and currently serves as the social outreach coordinator for the student chapter of the American Choral Directors Association (ACDA). Aside from performing, Samantha loves reading, going on walks, and spending time with friends. Samantha is thrilled to serve as a School of Music Ambassador this year! 

Contact Samantha!

Nick Schnitzspahn

NICK SCHNITZSPAHN (Hilliard, OH) is a third-year student pursuing a dual degree in trumpet performance and Strategic Communications. During his time at Ohio State, Nick has been a member of numerous musical ensembles, including The Ohio State University Marching Band, Wind Symphony, Symphony Orchestra, Symphonic Band, Trumpet Ensemble, and the Men’s Glee Club. Nick also serves as president of Ohio State’s chapter of Kappa Kappa Psi National Honorary Band Fraternity. Outside of campus, he has been a quarterfinalist at the National Trumpet Competition, and will attend the Round Top Festival Institute in summer 2024. One of his favorite things about Ohio State is that there are so many opportunities available for him to explore all of his interests. Nick is eager to connect with prospective and new students! 

Contact Nick!

Nicolas Serrano

NICOLAS SERRANO (Ashland, OH) is a third-year jazz performance student whose primary instrument is jazz drum set. He has been a member of the Ohio Show Band, Latin Jazz Combo, and Jazz Workshop Big Band. He currently serves as vice president of the Jazz Club at Ohio State, as well as serving outside of school as percussion section leader in the 122nd Army Band. In his free time he enjoys lifting, playing video games, traveling, and spending time with friends. 

Contact Nicolas!

Lucas Snouffer

LUCAS SNOUFFER (Crooksville, OH) is a third-year music education major studying tuba with Professor James M. Akins. Lucas has been involved with many ensembles across the School of Music including Collegiate Winds, Symphonic Band and the Symphony Orchestra. Lucas is also involved with The Ohio State University Marching Band for which he serves as Assistant Squad Leader of Student Staff, a group of 12 undergraduate students who manage the logistics and inventory of the marching band. Outside of ensembles, Lucas is a brother of the Beta Xi Chapter of Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to reach out. Go Bucks! 

Contact Lucas!

Charlotte Stefani

CHARLOTTE STEFANI (Cary, Illinois)  is a fifth-year music education major. Her primary instrument is trombone, which she plays in Wind Symphony, Symphony Orchestra, Trombone Choir, and the Ohio State Marching Band. In addition to these ensembles, Charlotte is a sister of Tau Beta Sigma. She is so excited for the opportunity to meet and work with new students, and looks forward to what the next year holds for the School of Music. 

Contact Charlotte!

Jakob Stephens

JAKOB STEPHENS (Waverly, OH) is currently a fourth-year music student studying jazz percussion with Jim Rupp. He serves as the Jazz Club president and works as a member of the stage crew for the School of Music. Beyond his academics, Jakob finds joy in listening and playing to his favorite albums, reading new books, and spending time with his friends. 

Contact Jakob!

Aidan Sullivan

AIDAN SULLIVAN (Dayton, OH) is a fourth-year music education and cello performance major. He plays in the Symphony Orchestra, and is a member of the Ohio State chapter of the National Association for Music Education (NAfME) as well as the cello ensemble, CellOhio. He currently serves as chapter president for the American String Teachers Association (ASTA) at Ohio State, and has directed the pit orchestra for Off the Lake Production’s spring musical. In his free time Aidan enjoys attending concerts, watching movies, and playing in a variety of extracurricular ensembles. 

Contact Aidan!

Shreyas Sunder

SHREYAS SUNDER (Powell, OH) is a fourth-year student pursuing dual degrees in mathematics and music. His primary instrument is voice. He is a fourth-year member of the Men’s Glee Club and has performed in the School of Music’s operas. Shreyas also helps manage the activities of the Double Major Alliance, an organization for double majors within the School of Music. Over the past two summers, Shreyas has been a counselor for Ohio State’s Vocal Arts Camp for high school students. In his free time, Shreyas enjoys rock climbing at the ARC, volleyball and grabbing food with his peers.

Contact Shreyas!

Jordan Updegrove

JORDAN UPDEGROVE (Van Wert, OH) is a third-year music education major whose primary instrument is trombone. A member of the Symphonic Band and Men's Glee Club, he is also a member of a campus ministry and loves volunteering his musical talent at local churches. Outside of music, he enjoys fishing, hiking, and playing video games. He is very passionate about music education and is always willing to answer questions for students considering pursuing this career path. 

Contact Jordan!

Roman Wentzel

ROMAN WENTZEL (Cleveland, OH) is a fourth-year music education major whose primary instrument is voice. He is an active member of Chorale, Men’s Glee Club, and Opera Theatre at Ohio State. He has recently had the opportunity of playing "The Witch" in Humperdinck's opera, Hansel and Gretel. Roman loves his current positions as Secretary of the American Choral Directors Association (ACDA), and Tenor 2 section leader of the Men’s Glee Club. Outside of music, Roman enjoys swimming, going on walks, spending time with friends, and watching movies. 

Contact Roman!

Chris White

CHRIS WHITE (Granville, OH) is a fourth-year music education major in the classical saxophone studio. He has played in The Ohio State University Symphonic Band, Collegiate Winds, and various saxophone quartets. He also plays mellophone in the Marching and Athletic Bands serving as the Head Squad Leader of E row. He is currently the treasurer of Ohio State’s OCMEA chapter, a brother of Kappa Kappa Psi National Band Fraternity, the Community Service and Outreach Committee Head for The Ohio State University Marching Band’s Student Advisory Council, and as a member of their Summer Session Marching Team. In his free time, he enjoys reading, learning new instruments in extracurricular ensembles, taking care of plants, and spending time with his friends. 

Contact Chris!

Abbey Zunic

ABBEY ZUNIC (she/her/hers) (Lewis Center, OH) is a third-year music education major. Her primary instrument is trumpet but she also plays the clarinet. In her years at Ohio State, she has performed with the Symphonic Band, Collegiate Winds, Jazz Lab Big Band, Gospel Choir, Athletic Band, and the Marching Band. Abbey has served the bands at the University by being a brother of Kappa Kappa Psi and spent her sophomore year as a Resident Advisor. Outside of school, she enjoys cooking, reading, and hanging out with friends and family. 

Contact Abbey!


Email Tanya Sparks, School of Music recruitment and admissions coordinator, at