OVATION: the School of Music e-newsletter

Ovation - applauding student, faculty and alumni success



OVATION is the School of Music e-newsletter, which features news and events. It is published on Thursday or Friday, when classes are in session.

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Brutus shares news — you should, too!

Each week when classes are in session, OVATION features, and applauds, student, faculty and alumni and success.

Whether you are an undergraduate student recently accepted for a summer internship, a doctoral candidate who just won a grant, or an alumnus who landed your dream job, share your news!


Submit a brief but fully composed item (approx. 75–125 words) to music@osu.edu.

Include details, the "who, what, when, where, why, how," a web link (when applicable) and an image (highly encouraged). See Brutus' example below.

  • Students — include year, major and instrument.
  • Alumni — include year of graduation and degree. Married alumnae, consider including your maiden name.

We reserve the right to edit or decline any submitted information.


Brutus Buckeye
Brutus cheering at a football game.

Brutus Buckeye, third year, music education, trumpet, authored an article entitled "Teaching Music and School Spirit to Young Students." The article appeared in a special school mascot section of the Ohio Music Education Association (OMEA) Triad, April edition. Brutus will give a presentation on the subject with Professor Fred Faculty, music education, at the OMEA Professional Development Conference in Columbus, in February.