The Timashev Family Music Building
1900 College Rd. • Columbus, OH. 43210
The Timashev Family Music Building includes the original building, Weigel Hall.
Daytime Visits
Visiting during Academic Year business hours?
The Ohio Union South Garage (next door to the Ohio Union) is open to visitors at all times, whereas most other garages on campus only open to visitors after 4 p.m. It is a short walk north on College Road to the new Timashev Family Music Building — across from the east end of the Oval.
Off-Peak Hours: after 4 p.m., weekends and summer
Arps Garage (listed below) is located just north of the Timashev Music Building. It is open to visitors during off-peak hours.
Driving Directions and Parking
To Ohio Union South Garage (1759 S. High St., 43210) — open to visitors 24 hours/day, 7 days/week
From the North:
- Take I–270 to 315 South
- Take 315 South to Lane Avenue exit
- Turn left onto Lane Avenue
- Follow Lane Avenue east across the bridge and into campus to High Street
- Turn right onto High Street and follow it south to the Ohio Union South Garage on your right. Ohio Union South is the garage closest to the Ohio Union.
From the South, East and West:
- Take I–70 or I–670 to 315 North
- Take 315 North to Lane Avenue exit
- Turn right onto Lane Avenue
- Follow Lane Avenue east across the bridge and into campus to High Street
- Turn right onto High Street and follow it south to the Ohio Union South Garage on your right. Ohio Union South is the garage closest to the Ohio Union.
Walk to the Timashev Music Building:
Exit the West side of the garage (opposite High St.) and walk North along College Rd. toward the Timashev Music Building which is on the same side of the street. Enter the South doors to the lobby — across from the Oval.
Alternate Parking — Arps Garage
Academic year: open to visitors after 4 p.m. and weekends only
Summer: open to visitors 24/7
Arps Garage (1990 College Rd. 43210), located just north of the Timashev Music Building
- NOTE: The entrance is located on W. 18th Ave., between College Rd. and High St.
Walk to the Timashev Music Building: Exit the garage and walk South along College Rd. toward the North doors of the Timashev Music Building which is on the same side of the street.
Bus Transportation
Bus information and schedules are available for the Campus Area Bus Service (CABS) and Columbus city buses (COTA, Central Ohio Transit Authority). Additional transportation options and other information may be found at Ohio State's Transportation and Traffic Management website.